(Got my First stipend) !! Tech Internship

(Got my First stipend) !! Tech Internship

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Finally completed my very first internship and received a stipend for it. Things I felt necessary to note from my experience:

  1. Very important, faced it personally and got over it successfully. Be short of time, not of hope - One-day things would be as soothing as imagined though not as calm as wondered, all the hard work you claimed to do so would be equally given back. (Don't forget to relax, use this to brainstorm and declutter). Personal take- used asana/notion for productivity and planning.
  2. Internships are a must the experience they bring to the table is outweighed. (hack is to work on open source contributions as I felt the very distant gap between the preparation I had and the work I performed. It's to say that the company's software development life-cycle is far different from the code I used to write, though big but lacked the obvious design patterns/documentation and such..). (Personal take - Try to refer Raymond Gan blog about projects and a juniors tale about the same: lnkd.in/dpjnE-Sf, Found his content to be very motivating and true)
  3. Try to be freaking open and active, I noticed that many feel uncomfortable interacting, but the truth is it's the same for the others too. Opening up to others help you build a network and find interests. You might find your co-founder or a rocketing startup idea from it. To put it simply, apart from the uses, it's plain friendship that will make you feel at home over time.
  4. Depth over breadth - Though this might seem cringy, many title themselves with various trendy frameworks and languages. I have observed that knowing many is never wrong but claiming to know is. (Personal take - Gain command over 3 languages (opinionated), I would justify it in a way that learns 1 for your interest 2nd for your job domain, 3rd for optimization and concepts), I title myself with three languages: python, java, and go. Java for OOPS/ python -> for backend and scripts/ go - DevOps.
  5. Do DSA to your heart's content, don't rush for some prep guide, but keep in mind that DSA is for problem-solving. (Personal take - don't waste time over vague debates of cp vs open source and which language to use, avoid the flashy roadmaps because DSA, in the first place, never had any deadends but is notable with milestones to cherish. I followed Raj Vikramaditya and Kunal Kushwaha for DSA and open source. I found the playlist of striver to be very helpful, crediting to his concept clarity and content delivery. Referring to Kunal was a great deal in itself as I was introduced to the world of open source, loving it since from that point ). Many learnings were a part of my internship, but finally, it was very good to experience, and I understood why many vote for work from the office. It's the passion that you meet at the office rather than people.